• horizontal and vertical axially split casing double suction pump
  • Ring section multistage pump with double suction impller, low NPSH
  • different single stage centrifugal pumps with best quality
  • Best petroleum and chemical pumps with international quality and design standard
  • Horizontal and vertical axially split casing double suction pump by Hankia Pump from China
  • High pressure pump, ring section multistage pump with double suction impller, low NPSH
  • Professional designer and manufacturer of different single stage centrifugal pump
  • Best petroleum and chemical pumps with international quality and design standard
  • horizontal and vertical axially split casing double suction pump
  • Ring section multistage pump with double suction impller, low NPSH
  • different single stage centrifugal pumps with best quality
  • Best petroleum and chemical pumps with international quality and design standard


汉亚泵业按国际标准和规范设计和生产适用于各种流体的离心泵,介质可以是清水,污水,原油,化工液体等,温度可以最高达到450摄氏度.汉亚泵业本着专业及踏实的精神, 坚持技术优先,精良制造,价格适中的原则为国内外用户提供高品质的泵类产品及服务.

  • 清水,海水等流体的输送及增压;
  • 各种化工厂,石油冶炼厂的流体输送及过程泵, 如原油,硫酸,硝酸,等;
  • 油田,原油码头的原油装载泵,输送泵及管路增程泵;
  • 消防用泵;
  • 热水及锅炉水循环及输送用泵;
  • 空调系列,冷却循环系统用泵;
  • 食品制糖行业用泵;
  • 污水,生活污水及工业污水处理用泵;
  • 农业灌溉,防洪防涝及其它市政工程用泵;
  • 电厂,水厂及其它主要大型工程用泵.